《2022築夢計劃》第一梯次 - 青銀共創山茶故鄉
台灣志願服務國際交流協會 (Volunteering Taiwan) 為國際志工協會在臺灣的全球志工領袖聯盟夥伴(IAVE GNVL),其成立目的在於創造一個連結地方與國際前瞻志願服務理念、行動及資源交流的平台。「築夢計畫」是專為15歲以上國際青少年所設計的志工服務學習計畫,期待創造一個連結在地與志願服務團體理念及資源交流平臺,提升青少年提升青年公共參與能力。
| 服務期間 |
2022年1月3日 至 1月6日
(圖、文 / 台灣志願服務國際交流協會)
| 服務期間 |
2022年1月3日 至 1月6日
(圖、文 / 台灣志願服務國際交流協會)
|| 活動單位 ||
|主辦單位| 台灣志願服務國際交流協會(Volunteering Taiwan)
|合作單位| 高雄美國學校 (Kaohsiung American School)、高雄市六龜新發社區發展協會 (Xin-Fa Community Development Association)、高雄市六龜新開部落發展協會 (Xin-Kai Tribe Development Association)
|合作單位| 高雄美國學校 (Kaohsiung American School)、高雄市六龜新發社區發展協會 (Xin-Fa Community Development Association)、高雄市六龜新開部落發展協會 (Xin-Kai Tribe Development Association)
|| 活動簡介 ||
|| 任務紀錄 & 活動花絮照片 ||
第一天 1月3日 - First Day, January 3rd
Day 1 Team: LAAW
On our first day to Liuguei, we were surprised by the nature in the same city, Kaohsiung! We were welcomed by a couple of elders who were over 100 years old. They all seemed personable and we can’t wait to interact with them. In the afternoon, we went to paint the mural and clean the recycling station. It was a lot of teamwork! After the 3+ hours of work, we enjoyed a peaceful evening (except the laughters?) with 茶道. What an experience it is to not only volunteer but also actually learn knowledge of Taiwanese culture (since 茶道 is a big part of it).
Day 1 Team: LAAW
On our first day to Liuguei, we were surprised by the nature in the same city, Kaohsiung! We were welcomed by a couple of elders who were over 100 years old. They all seemed personable and we can’t wait to interact with them. In the afternoon, we went to paint the mural and clean the recycling station. It was a lot of teamwork! After the 3+ hours of work, we enjoyed a peaceful evening (except the laughters?) with 茶道. What an experience it is to not only volunteer but also actually learn knowledge of Taiwanese culture (since 茶道 is a big part of it).
第二天 1月4日 - Second Day, January 4th
由一片白無到滿載志工愛的彩牆,美國學校的孩子對於六龜的文史認識有限,加上語言隔閡無法很全面,但是他們很努力詮釋他們所學,也用心完成了這個環保回收站的彩繪和植栽,下次來六龜,別忘了到新發國小這邊來看看喔!再來分享一篇志工的日誌 ~
Day 2
Team: We tried
We went on a morning walk at 7:30 in the morning. We walked all the way from where we stayed to the bridge to 不老溫泉. The weather was good, it’s a bit cool and the air is especially fresh. We then join the seniors in their morning exercise and decorated 茶包with them. We helped them in coloring and sealing the paper bag. Everyone’s design was so creative and beautiful. In the afternoon, we finished our painting on the wall! Although it was hard and we were all tired, we worked extremely hard and we are satisfied with our work. After dinner, we discussed about how we can teach the elderly English in a fun and interactive way. We are excited to see what they can learn tomorrow!
Day 2
Team: We tried
We went on a morning walk at 7:30 in the morning. We walked all the way from where we stayed to the bridge to 不老溫泉. The weather was good, it’s a bit cool and the air is especially fresh. We then join the seniors in their morning exercise and decorated 茶包with them. We helped them in coloring and sealing the paper bag. Everyone’s design was so creative and beautiful. In the afternoon, we finished our painting on the wall! Although it was hard and we were all tired, we worked extremely hard and we are satisfied with our work. After dinner, we discussed about how we can teach the elderly English in a fun and interactive way. We are excited to see what they can learn tomorrow!
第三天 1月5日 - Third Day, January 5th
老少互動共學歡樂洋溢!上午來一場英文教學( 其實比較像台語教學),學生選出最會說台語的Christine當主持人,她的洋式台語讓長者一頭霧水(一頭霧水),因此照護阿姨再翻譯一遍,漸入佳境阿嬤阿公跟著擺動,老少玩得不亦樂乎! 下午安排硿土窯,第一次鏟土蓋火爐興奮極了,晚餐一頓豐盛,自己作的晚餐特別好吃!再來分享一篇志工的日誌 ~
Today is our third day in 六龜!We’re more familiar with the environment and people. After having breakfast, we were able to measure blood pressure for the elders more easily compared to the day before. We were also more familiar with the morning exercise song! We taught the elders simple english phrases using interactions, games, songs, and crafts. The elders responded enthusiastically and created impressive artworks! We taught them the phrases “hello”, “good morning”, “heart”, “like”, and “bye”. We then ate a delicious lunch and rested for a bit. At one, we went to an empty field to create our dinner. After collecting clay pieces, we built them up into an oven and placed wood inside. Profe Ling came to visit us and brought snacks for the elders! After a while, we went back to the oven and added food in. Shoveling dirt onto the oven was especially tiring. While resting, we toured parts of 六龜 while sitting on the little train, we also took pictures. When we came back, we dug up the food and ate dinner. It was really delicious and rewarding to eat food we took part in cooking.
Today is our third day in 六龜!We’re more familiar with the environment and people. After having breakfast, we were able to measure blood pressure for the elders more easily compared to the day before. We were also more familiar with the morning exercise song! We taught the elders simple english phrases using interactions, games, songs, and crafts. The elders responded enthusiastically and created impressive artworks! We taught them the phrases “hello”, “good morning”, “heart”, “like”, and “bye”. We then ate a delicious lunch and rested for a bit. At one, we went to an empty field to create our dinner. After collecting clay pieces, we built them up into an oven and placed wood inside. Profe Ling came to visit us and brought snacks for the elders! After a while, we went back to the oven and added food in. Shoveling dirt onto the oven was especially tiring. While resting, we toured parts of 六龜 while sitting on the little train, we also took pictures. When we came back, we dug up the food and ate dinner. It was really delicious and rewarding to eat food we took part in cooking.
第四天 1月6日 - Fourth Day, January 6th
築夢計畫來到最後一章,回首過去幾天志工的表現,讓這邊的爺奶疼愛有加,今天就在各種樂聲中結束,讓我們一同欣賞吧! 學員William Huang分享他的心得~
By William Huang, KAS
Final journal
Time flies! Today is our last day, but this doesn’t stop us from being productive. We started the day with the daily protocols for the elders’ entrance- measuring temperature, blood pressure, and recording them into a book. We have all become experts in them by now! Then, the elders collaborated with us to construct an ensemble out of various instruments- drum, tambourine, bell, etc… Both the youth and the elders amazed the teacher with a harmonious melody that we all worked hard to create. The end to the ensemble was also a means to an end to the trip. We reviewed the “goodbye” vocabulary with them by giving them some warm hugs. We thank their cooperation with us for the last few days! Then, we ate the last lunch at Liuguei. We have enjoyed trying exotic, yet delicious food. To sum up our trip, we ended with a reflection session. We shared our appreciations and took some photos to hopefully make this trip become a long-sustaining memory. Shoutout to everyone for the great job and spirit of volunteering.
By William Huang, KAS
Final journal
Time flies! Today is our last day, but this doesn’t stop us from being productive. We started the day with the daily protocols for the elders’ entrance- measuring temperature, blood pressure, and recording them into a book. We have all become experts in them by now! Then, the elders collaborated with us to construct an ensemble out of various instruments- drum, tambourine, bell, etc… Both the youth and the elders amazed the teacher with a harmonious melody that we all worked hard to create. The end to the ensemble was also a means to an end to the trip. We reviewed the “goodbye” vocabulary with them by giving them some warm hugs. We thank their cooperation with us for the last few days! Then, we ate the last lunch at Liuguei. We have enjoyed trying exotic, yet delicious food. To sum up our trip, we ended with a reflection session. We shared our appreciations and took some photos to hopefully make this trip become a long-sustaining memory. Shoutout to everyone for the great job and spirit of volunteering.