Volunteering Taiwan
Volunteering Taiwan was founded in 2001 as Representative Office of IAVE (International Association for Volunteer Effort) in Taiwan. Volunteering Taiwan aims to create a democratic society where it is free to exchange ideas, actions and resources between local and global voluntary organizations.
As serving the essential role in the global volunteer network, we connect Governments, NGOs, NPOs, and Business to work together for the social cause, strengthen communication with International society and promote global volunteering in Taiwan. Volunteering Taiwan has actively allied with various domestic and international NGOs/NPOs to respond the social needs and led partner organizations to participate in relevant international events to show the inclusive force from Taiwan. |
Connection between IAVE and Volunteering Taiwan
台灣志願服務國際交流協會(Volunteering Taiwan)創立於2001年,當時為國際志工協會(IAVE)在臺國家代表辦公室,秉持「志工臺灣、全球接軌」之理念,致力創造一個提供地方與國際志願服務趨勢連結、倡議交流之合作平台。
Volunteering 2.0
How volunteering groups can constantly changing in response to the changing environment, with new forms of engagement emerging in response to new needs and new opportunities has become a keen question for discussion after 2016 the UN SDGs started. Volunteering Taiwan has actively promoted " Volunteering 2.0." from 2016.
We appeal to professional volunteer action, which applies commercial strategies and professional skills to maximize improvements in social impact alongside profits for helping community self-sustaining. Volunteering 2.0 is defined as an advanced and active way which will help the community and volunteers as well to achieve not only social value but self-supporting potential through the designated volunteer strategy to differential from the traditional volunteering.Volunteers participate in social enterprises in a variety of fields which includes become creators, supporters, or consumers and they got great new ideas and expertise to transform the world become a fairer place. |
Social Media
- i-Volunteer 愛志工
- 築夢計畫 Journey of dreams
- 志願服務2.0築夢網
社團法人台灣志願服務國際交流協會 Volunteering Taiwan
Volunteering Taiwan 官網 |
志願服務2.0 築夢網 |