Originally published by the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE). Chinese translation by Volunteering Taiwan.
Introduction 攻略版
This handbook is a resource to inform and educate youth volunteers, organizations that engage youth volunteers, and corporations the added value and skills youth obtain from volunteering. It serves to highlight the importance of youth volunteering as a way to learn skills, increase a young persons network of contacts, and encourage youth to gin real-life perspectives.
此手冊是一個資源,用於告知和教育青年志工、青年志工參與組織及遊青年志工獲得附加價值和技能的公司,並有助於強調青年志願服務作為一種學習技能,增加年輕人的聯繫網絡以及鼓勵青年獲得現今社會狀況的重要性。 |
For Youth 青年參考版
This unit, directed at youth volunteers or youth looking to volunteer, will allow them to explore and learn about the value of volunteer work in helping them obtain employment, as well as to discover a set of potential new skills that can be obtained through volunteering. The unit also provides them with useful tools and tips to help keep a volunteer log and present their volunteer experience in their CVs.
此手冊讓青年志工或是希望從事志願服務的青年,將使他們能夠探索和了解志願服務工作於就業方面的價值,並了解可透過志願服務獲得潛在的新技能,也為他們提供有用的工具和提示,以延續志願服務紀錄日誌,讓志工可以在自己簡歷中顯示志願服務經驗。 |
For NGO NGO參考版
NGOs can help address the global crisis of youth unemployment by making available volunteer opportunities for youth people that will allow them to build or enhance their skills, leading to full-time employment opportunities. This unit gives NGOs ways to understand what young people can offer them, exploring ways to make volunteer work meaningful for youth and their professional career.
非政府組織可藉由為青年提供志願服務機會,幫助他們增加或提高技能,創造全職就業機會,進而幫忙解決全球青年失業問題,也讓非政府組織了解青年可以為組織提供的幫助,同時也探索志願服務隊青年及其職業生涯有意義的方法。 |
For Corporations 企業參考版
It is often stated that volunteering can be a way to help future professionals in the workforce expand their network of contacts, improve their CVs and make a positive impression in a competitive job market. Corporations should be aware of this while recruiting new employees. This unit explores the benefits of making the hiring process much more inclusive, detailing the different types of activities and experiences to look for in potential hires.
人們常說,公司於招聘新員工時應該意識到了,志願服務可以幫助未來勞動專業人士擴大他們的聯繫網絡,改善他們的簡歷,並在競爭激烈的就業市場中留下積極的印象。本單元探討了志願服務使應徵時顯示求職者更具包容性的好處,亦詳細說明了公司透過志願服務,可在員工中尋找不同類型潛在的活動經驗。 |
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