《2023築夢計劃》 國際志工農村體驗營
Exploration of Tea Village – experiencing a volunteering life in Kaohsiung outskirts, learning tea farming and culture, learning from nature, meeting the local youth entrepreneurs, serving senior and children, and engaging in community lifestyle.
| 服務期間 |
2023年7月3日 至 7月6日
(圖、文 / 台灣志願服務國際交流協會)
Exploration of Tea Village – experiencing a volunteering life in Kaohsiung outskirts, learning tea farming and culture, learning from nature, meeting the local youth entrepreneurs, serving senior and children, and engaging in community lifestyle.
| 服務期間 |
2023年7月3日 至 7月6日
(圖、文 / 台灣志願服務國際交流協會)
|| 活動單位 ||
|主辦單位| 台灣志願服務國際交流協會
|合作單位| 高雄市六龜新開部落發展協會、欣園製茶、 高雄美國學校 Kaohsiung American School
|合作單位| 高雄市六龜新開部落發展協會、欣園製茶、 高雄美國學校 Kaohsiung American School
|| 活動簡介 ||
|| 活動影片 ||
|| 任務紀錄 || |
|| 活動花絮照片 || |
- 青銀共學 (手作棉線葉片、健康操體適能舞蹈、Bingo同樂、長者健康照護) |
第一天 - 7月3日 |
學員們和阿公阿嬤一起製作的棉線葉片,也被裝飾在新開幕的山茶故事館喔! Yvonne – ‘It’s a special chance to meet elders who can speak Japanese. Besides, they are so cute and friendly that it makes me think of my grandparents.’ Albert Kuo – ‘Today I saw a 100 year old person which was pretty impressive how well they maintained their health. I also met a lot of elders and talked to them. Impressive how healthy they are.’ 賴昱言 – ‘Today we danced with the elderly. I was so surprised and impressed that they could dance so well!’ |
- 山茶主題體驗 |
第二天 - 7月4日 |
學員們在欣園製茶學習環境教育及永續發展議題,由茶園第三代青年負責人阿勇哥,親自介紹茶園發展歷史及理念,和臺灣山茶的種類、生長環境及烘焙方式,更帶領大家親自揉茶,最後互相品嚐彼此的茶,盲選出各自心目中的No. 1。 茶席及茶禮儀體驗課程邀請拿普有機茶園 謝國華講師,為學員講解及示範布農族品茶儀式,除了體驗原住民文化以外,也親自為社區長輩泡茶、奉茶,滿滿暖意在心頭。 Angelina Yang – ‘This is my first time to learn how to make tea and know its history. It’s my first time to realize farmers have to pay a lot of effort to grow tea leaves better. The most impressive thing is that we learned how to knead the tea leaves with lots of information about tea. Also, it’s great to make new friends from different schools and countries.’ 王冠珺 – ‘我新學到了在品茶時應該如何去品評一杯茶,並且用確切的字眼表達所感受到的味蕾和香氣; 今天也與一個大學生志工學員交談,他是六龜當地人,在他口中瞭解了相當多在地的風俗民情。’ Amber – ‘Two major skills I learned is tea etiquette and how to interact with the elderly. We learned the proper ways and correct steps to serve guests with hand-made tea. I found the indigenous tea master really impressive. We always knew indigenous Taiwanese people for their vocal talents, but I never thought they actually had their own tea culture. If it wasn’t for this volunteer experience, I would have never met a Bunun indigenous person face to face.’ |
Vini – ‘New skills I have learned from my volunteering experience is to say “Thank You’ in Bunun.’
林昕穎 – ‘Chatting with the elderly is so much fun, not only did we talk about our families, we also had tea together. It was great experience of making tea and having fun with my group mates!’ |
- 社區美化志願服務 |
第三天 - 7月5日 |
Daphne Yeh – ‘I loved decorating flower pots for the community. It was a good way for me to be creative and relax, even though my drawings were not amazing. I ended up with a bear pot and a heart pot.’ Vini – ‘ Something interesting to me is painting the flower basket and helping the community with beautification.’ |
- 老幼教學活動領導 |
第四天 - 7月6日 |
在四天三夜的營隊中,學員們有許多青銀共學的活動,充分地理解長輩們的生活型態、身心狀況和需求後,以「服務對象為中心」為思考邏輯,學員們規劃和執行最後一天的老幼共學課程,內容精彩豐富,包含:鯊魚寶寶熱身操 (Baby Shark)、摺紙、英語字母益智遊戲…等,全場無冷場,與阿公阿嬤及小朋友們度過一個美好的上午。
|| 其他活動相關訊息 ||