International Forum on Volunteering and Innovative Governance
| 緣起Background |
臺灣志願服務法於2001年頒訂實施,在法令環境的友善營造下,帶動志願服務人口逐年倍增,也奠定我國深厚的公民參與基礎,達到國家至地方層級公共利益的全面提升。隨著社會快速變遷及網路科技的崛起,國際志願服務邁向新紀元,各種以新議題及創新模式為導向的公民參與行動蓬勃興起,跨國合作也由實體跨上雲端,科技專業人力協力創作出更多元的高效能方案。本國際論壇呼應「臺灣志願服務+20」的劃時代意義,透由全球志工趨勢議題邀請國內外專家學者,提供專業協力及永續創能的志工新局,透過多元利益關係者集結強大的社會改造力量,讓人力資源獲得有效配置,建立高績效服務的動能,並開發各領域各部門間的連結介面,激勵更豐富的社會潛在資源與能量,彰顯志願服務對社會問題的影響力及解決力。 在邁向下一個二十年的啟承點,志願服務與創新治理國際論壇將邀請5國志工及社會創新界領袖共同分享,希冀能搭起國內外志工界的新平台(New Platform)、重啟新思維(New Mindset)、共創新樞紐(New Hub),永續以志願服務為蘊底的新生活格局(New Lifestyle)。本論壇將以線上線下混合會議(Hybrid Meeting)服務現場貴賓,並採直播方式服務線上至少500位各界關心志工發展之團體領袖及個人。
2001 was the UN International Year of Volunteers (IYV). The UN recognized the essential contribution volunteering makes to social, economic, cultural, humanitarian, and peacebuilding issues. IVY 2001 raised awareness of the value of volunteers, strengthened networks to facilitate best practices in volunteering, and promoted voluntary service worldwide.
In Taiwan in 2001 the Volunteer Service Act was passed. The law stimulated a sustained increase in the number of volunteers, laid the foundations for greater civic participation, and generally improved welfare provision from the local to the national level.
2001 was also the year Volunteering Taiwan (V Taiwan) was founded and became a member of the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), which connected Taiwan to the global volunteering community.
On the 20th anniversary of these important milestones, holding the Volunteering Taiwan+20—International Forum on Volunteering and Innovative Governance is especially significant. The Forum will bring together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to create a powerful force for social change and catalyze potential social resources and strengths, and demonstrate the capacity of volunteering to impact and resolve social problems.
To address the volunteer issues on the next 20 years, we have invited volunteer leaders and innovators from five countries to speak at the International Forum on Volunteering and Innovative Governance. Our aim is to create new platforms, new mindsets, new hubs, and new lifestyles of sustainable service work for volunteers in Taiwan and abroad. The forum will be a hybrid meeting, with participants taking part in person and online. The event will be livestreamed to an audience of at least 500 organization leaders and individuals from all walks of life with a shared interest in the development of volunteering.
2001 was the UN International Year of Volunteers (IYV). The UN recognized the essential contribution volunteering makes to social, economic, cultural, humanitarian, and peacebuilding issues. IVY 2001 raised awareness of the value of volunteers, strengthened networks to facilitate best practices in volunteering, and promoted voluntary service worldwide.
In Taiwan in 2001 the Volunteer Service Act was passed. The law stimulated a sustained increase in the number of volunteers, laid the foundations for greater civic participation, and generally improved welfare provision from the local to the national level.
2001 was also the year Volunteering Taiwan (V Taiwan) was founded and became a member of the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE), which connected Taiwan to the global volunteering community.
On the 20th anniversary of these important milestones, holding the Volunteering Taiwan+20—International Forum on Volunteering and Innovative Governance is especially significant. The Forum will bring together stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to create a powerful force for social change and catalyze potential social resources and strengths, and demonstrate the capacity of volunteering to impact and resolve social problems.
To address the volunteer issues on the next 20 years, we have invited volunteer leaders and innovators from five countries to speak at the International Forum on Volunteering and Innovative Governance. Our aim is to create new platforms, new mindsets, new hubs, and new lifestyles of sustainable service work for volunteers in Taiwan and abroad. The forum will be a hybrid meeting, with participants taking part in person and online. The event will be livestreamed to an audience of at least 500 organization leaders and individuals from all walks of life with a shared interest in the development of volunteering.
| 活動單位Organizations |
指導單位 Advisory units:
衛生福利部 Ministry of Health and Welfare 教育部青年發展署 Youth Development Administration, MOE 主辦單位 Organizer: 台灣志願服務國際交流協會 Volunteering Taiwan 協辦單位 Co-organizers: 屏東縣政府 Pingtung County Government 中國文化大學社會企業管理研究所 Chinese Culture University Master Program of Social Enterprise Management 贊助單位 Sponsors: 美樂蒂文教興業股份有限公司 Melody Publishing Co., Ltd. 推動臺灣會展產業發展計畫 Meet Taiwan 報名截止日期:110年11月10日截止 Deadline for registration: November 10, 110 |
| 研討會資訊 The Forum Information| |
| 報名連結 Registration |
| 議程 Agenda |
| 講者及主持人介紹 The Speaker & The Moderator | (按議程順序排列 In order of the angeda)