主題演講者-楊振甫 Kevin Yang
Kevin Yang
CEO, 5% Design Action Dr. Chen-Fu (Kevin) Yang has Doctor degree of NTUST with interdisciplinary skills from music, marketing, finance management and service design. He released several books on technology and aesthetics with innovative design of key issues to society. In 2013, he founded 5% Design Action Social Design Platform, which included more than 9,000 multi-disciplinary professionals and designers on the voluntary network today to deal with the challenges of aging, health, economy, and environment protection. Now He is the CEO of DreamVok, the founder of 5% Design Action., and the co-founder of Service Design Network at Taiwan Chapter and the Executive V.P. of Asia Pacific Service Design Association., the Supervisor of Taiwan Elderly Care Industry Association. 楊振甫
國際5%Design Action執行長 楊振甫擁有國立臺灣科技大學工商業設計系博士學位,並長達15年的音樂與表演底子,過去主要從事跨領域設計研究,長期輔導產業導入服務與產品創新設計思維。目前為5% Design Action社會設計平台發起人,帶領超過9千位業界專業人士與設計師投入專業與時間,針對社會重要議題進行創新設計。他也同時擔任DreamVok意集設計執行長、Service Design Network Taiwan Chapter 共同發起人、亞太服務設計協會副理事長、銀髮產業發展協會監事。 |
| 講師講義 speech outlines |

青年參與_城市發展-楊振甫.pdf | |
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