《2024築夢計劃》 國際志工農村體驗營
|| 活動介紹 || About the camp
自2020年起,台灣志願服務國際交流協會和六龜新開新發社區攜手規劃執行《築夢計畫》,2022年起更與高雄美國學校及各國際學校合作,帶領台灣及國際青年探索山茶故鄉 – 在高雄偏遠山區裡體驗志工生活,學習茶葉摘種與茶儀文化,向大自然學習,並深入當地社區青創並服務在地長者兒童,落實在地連結。
Liugui is not only the ‘Hometown of Mountain Tea’ in Taiwan but also a culture melting pot for Hokkien, Hakka and indigenous ethnic groups. Rich natural resources in Liugui have also attracted many young entrepreneurs to return home and start business. Its unique ethnic diversity, cultural background and breathtaking natural environment are what make a summer camp in Liugui so meaningful and memorable.
Since 2020, Volunteering Taiwan has been collaborating with Xin-Fa Community Development Association to deliver ‘Journey of Dreams’ program. Kaohsiung American School and various other international schools have joined the program since 2022. Together, we bring more young people from Taiwan and abroad to explore the beautiful Tea Village, experiencing a volunteering life in Kaohsiung outskirts, acquiring knowledge of tea farming and culture, learning from nature, meeting local youth entrepreneurs, serving the elderly and children, and engaging in community lifestyle.
|活動日期| 第一梯次 2024年6月17-20日、第二梯次 2024年6月30日-7月3日
|主辦單位| 台灣志願服務國際交流協會
|合作單位| 高雄市六龜新開部落發展協會、欣園製茶、 高雄美國學校 Kaohsiung American School
自2020年起,台灣志願服務國際交流協會和六龜新開新發社區攜手規劃執行《築夢計畫》,2022年起更與高雄美國學校及各國際學校合作,帶領台灣及國際青年探索山茶故鄉 – 在高雄偏遠山區裡體驗志工生活,學習茶葉摘種與茶儀文化,向大自然學習,並深入當地社區青創並服務在地長者兒童,落實在地連結。
Liugui is not only the ‘Hometown of Mountain Tea’ in Taiwan but also a culture melting pot for Hokkien, Hakka and indigenous ethnic groups. Rich natural resources in Liugui have also attracted many young entrepreneurs to return home and start business. Its unique ethnic diversity, cultural background and breathtaking natural environment are what make a summer camp in Liugui so meaningful and memorable.
Since 2020, Volunteering Taiwan has been collaborating with Xin-Fa Community Development Association to deliver ‘Journey of Dreams’ program. Kaohsiung American School and various other international schools have joined the program since 2022. Together, we bring more young people from Taiwan and abroad to explore the beautiful Tea Village, experiencing a volunteering life in Kaohsiung outskirts, acquiring knowledge of tea farming and culture, learning from nature, meeting local youth entrepreneurs, serving the elderly and children, and engaging in community lifestyle.
|活動日期| 第一梯次 2024年6月17-20日、第二梯次 2024年6月30日-7月3日
|主辦單位| 台灣志願服務國際交流協會
|合作單位| 高雄市六龜新開部落發展協會、欣園製茶、 高雄美國學校 Kaohsiung American School
Highlight videos and blogs from previous years
|| 活動內容 || Camp Information
舉辦時間:第一梯次 2024年6月17-20日、第二梯次 2024年6月30日-7月3日
服務地點:高雄市六龜新開部落 服務內容:環境保護、山茶探索,世代共學,團隊合作,社區知識 合作組織:新開部落發展協會、欣園製茶、高雄美國學校 如果你對服務學習的活動有興趣,也樂於與群體工作,你很適合成為青年志願服活動的一員。 報名條件:滿15歲以上不限科系,有服務熱忱,具備團隊合作認同,且能以簡易英語溝通 活動獎勵:服務時數認證與中英志工感謝狀 |
Event date:To be announced (2024 Journey of Dreams)
Service Location:Liugui Xinkai Tribe, Kaohsiung City; Xin-Yuan Tea Farm Service content:Environment protection、tea village exploration、 service-learning with the elderly and children、team building skills、knowledge about the community Co-organizers:Xin-kai Tribe Association,Kaohsiung American School If you are interested in this service-learning program and keen to working with people, you are welcome to be a part of this youth volunteering action. Participant's eligibility:You have to be above the age of 15 with independent thinking and living ability. Activity accreditation:Service Accreditation and Bilingual Certification of Appreciation |
|| 報名資訊 Registeration & Sign Up ||
|| 其他活動相關訊息 || Other Information |
活動費用: $6,500/人